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  • http://nexus-beijing.com/http://nexus-beijing.com/
  • 杜兰特
  • 2024-06-20 08:55:15
  • 5

在当今的农业生产中,高效农业解决方案变得 increasingly important。为了满足人类对食物和能源的需求,同时保护环境,这些解决方案变得尤为关键。



DUART''s precision irrigation technology allows farmers to precisely control the amount of water and nutrients delivered to each plant, reducing waste and increasing yields. Their intelligent monitoring systems provide real-time data on crop health and soil moisture levels, enabling farmers to make informed decisions about planting, watering and harvesting.

DUART''s sustainable development approach ensures that their solutions are environmentally friendly and socially responsible. They work closely with local communities to develop solutions that meet the unique needs of each region and promote long-term sustainability.
